
Photo by Christo Anestev / license
There is a new group of sufferers on a medical scene that is grown too large to ignore – COVID Long-Haulers or Long COVID Patients. A recent paper from a COVID-19 patient-led research collaborative surveyed 3,762 patients from 56 countries who were sick for at least four weeks after acquiring the infection. They documented an array of 205 symptoms involving 10 organ systems, from tremors, tingling, and skin burning, to sleep disturbances, nausea, chest tightness, and hearing loss. Most common were fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and post-exertional malaise. One in five reported severe symptoms persisting after six months.
Post-viral long-term complications is a topic near and dear to my heart as I've personally suffered through it for years. I have done vast research on conventional therapies and alternative healing modalities, and applied a ridiculous number of remedies on myself.
Conventional medicine unfortunately is poorly equipped in this area. Frustrated doctors surely want to help their patients, but quickly becoming aware that they are in the “grey area” of medical science. Attempts are made to manage debilitating symptoms with standard do-it-all medications such as painkillers, NSAIDs, and corticosteroids. If all fails, anti-anxiety or antidepressants drugs are suggested.
Only now, when, from some reports, between 10 and 30 percent of patients are experiencing many puzzling symptoms for months, some quite serious and never before associated with the virus, the medical research is pushed to look deeper into it.
Aside from that, more and more research shows that viruses, even the respiratory ones previously thought of as a seven-day nuisance, might not be as benign as we think. Most prominent examples include Epstein Barr and Herpes family viruses that now are being implicated in several autoimmune diseases and even certain cancers. Those viruses can live and grow in the body somewhat quietly and activate opportunistically when the immune system is overwhelmed with physical, emotional, or environmental stressors. They can produce a wide range of neurological symptoms, affecting every organ by neurological means, although the organ itself is likely showing healthy on all the scans and tests. For example, the feeling of fluttering heart, difficult swallowing, dizziness or balance issues, trouble taking a deep breath, might be caused by vagus nerve irritation, tinnitus or buzzing in the ear by swollen inner ear nerves, neuropathy by hand/feet nerve irritation by the virus.
Way more research is needed indeed, but many people who are suffering now can look into the successful experiences of people like me and many others who implemented certain non-drug approaches to relieve the symptoms while addressing the root of the problem.
Below I outline the strategies I found most effective, that everybody can implement to fight Long COVID or any post-viral complications:
1. The Buteyko Breathing Technique
Since COVID is predominantly a respiratory virus, it only makes sense to start addressing breathing health right away. Gentle Buteyko therapy will relieve airway spasms and shortness of breath, letting the patient breathe easier, cough less, and clear up mucus effortlessly. Breathing normalization will increase oxygen delivery to the tissues thus decreasing fatigue, muscle pain, and letting organs function optimally. In addition, it will relieve cramps and spasms elsewhere in the body, improve sleep, and calm typical for such patients anxiety. The beauty of this breathing therapy is that it starts working after just a few days of practice while bringing long-term positive effects with continuous practice. In addition to multiple Buteyko studies in the past, one more recent study in Egypt (Effect of Buteyko breathing technique on patients with bronchial asthma) confirmed the effectiveness of Buteyko in decreasing lung inflammation, which is one of the biggest concerns for COVID victims .
2. Nutritional overhaul
At this time certain foods should become medicine, as we need to help our body to do the "heavy lifting" healing work. The proper hydration (not just water) is crucial in getting rid of pathogens, the food must be very hydrating as well, and filled with mineral salts, essential carbohydrates, high degree of vitamins and minerals. It should be very low in fat and easy on the digestive system. Yes, mostly plant-based, but with certain plant superfood preparations that truly become a potent medicine. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.
3. Antiviral and immune-boosting protocol
Certain herbal protocols will effectively clean up viruses and discourage their replication. It might take time, but there are no side effects, and those easy protocols can be adopted for life, for future protection against the majority of viruses. The diet should not be encouraging viral load growth, therefore several food groups should be excluded. Proven immune boosters, such as Vitamin C, D3, Zinc, B12, Echinacea, Elderberry, Chaga, and others, are essential. The quality of the supplements and the correct dosage can make or break a deal, so it is ideal to work with a knowledgeable naturopathic practitioner who can advise on supplement brands and customized dosages in each individual case.
4. Identify and avoid stressors
In times like this, our bodies need to concentrate on healing, so it is imperative to avoid additional physical, emotional, and environmental stressors. It is an extensive topic, as stressors are different for everybody, and not always avoidable. One of my jobs as a coach is to identify those stresses in my client's lives and coach them through either minimizing, getting rid of, or effectively dealing with them. As many long haulers report debilitating mental symptoms, brain fog, anxiety, and depression, it is important to get timely support through family, community, or a specialist. However, many brain and mental symptoms are still caused by viruses and toxins such as heavy metals, so addressing mental symptoms first through anti-virals, cleanses and nutrition is important. Chemical stressors should be considered as we are surrounded by and using an overwhelming amount of everyday products that are burdensome for our respiratory system and the liver.
5. Restorative sleep
An estimated 50- 70 million people in the US have sleep problems. Sleep apnea or snoring episodes at night might not be considered non-sleeping hours, but they are. Sleep is essential for the efficient immune system and body restoration. There is a reason a person with a viral infection needs more sleep and naps frequently throughout the sick day. But nothing compares to a good night's sleep, such as solid, undisturbed 4-6 hours between about 10 pm and 2 -4 am.
There are very effective, non-drug, device-free methods to develop a good night's sleep and eliminate sleep-disordered breathing. Buteyko Breathing Therapy is one of them; it has proven to be extremely effective in eliminating sleep-disordered breathing and restoring normal sleep pattern, as well as sleep quality.
6. Nerve and adrenal support
The debilitating post-viral fatigue is one of the most complained about symptoms. This is mostly neurological fatigue that might affect extremities, making them feel heavy and achy; balance issues such as dizziness; neuropathy (tingling, numbing of hands and feet), ear ringing (tinnitus), and other such symptoms.
Constant exhaustion and, for many, the inability to return to work or to a pre-COVID lifestyle, can be truly devastating and life-altering. For such people, additional nerve protecting and adrenal support protocol is needed. Measures such as certain vitamins and supplements, avoiding stressors, special meal pattern, a correct approach to physical activity, and again, gentle breathing retraining, is the right approach.
In conclusion, I truly understand how people in this situation might feel because I’ve been there. Of all the frustrations I had, a lack of understanding from others, doctors and family alike, was probably the most hurtful. I cannot blame them, I’ve lacked that understanding myself. Indeed, compassionate and supportive, they just struggled to reason with how a simple respiratory virus can affect a person for so long and in a such destructive way.
My desire is to bring hope to struggling Long COVID patients. And the hope comes when we consistently invest in our wellness and feel supported by others who had similar experiences. Step by step, invest in your health with simple measures, learn to breathe correctly, clean up your diet, and if you need help on that rocky road, hire a health coach who dealt with such issues before. They will show you a shortcut!
6 Natural Strategies for COVID-19 Long-Haulers was originally published on the Breathe To Thrive with Eugenia Malyshev website. Used with permission.