This fermented wheat germ extract exhibits positive effects against cancer

Photo(link is external) by Marilyn Barbone, ©2013 /
Avemar is a naturally fermented wheat germ extract that, so far, has exhibited positive effects against all forms of cancer cell lines tested.
To understand how Avemar works, it helps to understand how cancer develops and spreads.
Whether tumor cells proceed to replicate, grow, and eventually spread throughout the body is determined by enzymatic activity and their accessibility to various nutrients. For years, pharmaceutical companies have also focused their efforts in this arena in an attempt to find cures for various forms of cancer. One of their top priorities (and one area with the greatest potential) has always been to uncover compounds that inhibit glucose metabolism in tumor cells.
Every form of cancer cell utilizes glucose at rates 10 to 50 times higher than that of normal healthy cells (a well-known phenomenon referred to as “the Warburg effect”). Unlike normal, healthy cells that utilize glucose primarily for energy, tumor cells use glucose to increase the production of nucleic acids (necessary for the formation of additional RNA) and various proteins (needed for the cancer to continue to grow).
In simple terms, cancer cells have only one function: proliferation. To achieve this function, cancer cells need large amounts of glucose that they can convert into building materials for new cells. As the tumor grows, more and more glucose is consumed. Two things occur as a person’s glucose is diverted to the cancer. First, fatigue sets in. Second, since less glucose is converted to necessary fats and protein, the body begins to waste away (a process known as cachexia).
One of the main problems with conventional cancer therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation is that they are non-specific, so they destroy normal, healthy cells along with disease-ridden ones. Thus, the attempt to kill the cancer cells often kills the patient as well.
Avemar, however, works through several different mechanisms. One of its most unique benefits, however, is its ability to inhibit glucose metabolism in cancer cells.
Research at UCLA has demonstrated that Avemar reduces glucose flow into cancer cells – which inhibits their ability to produce additional nucleic acids and subsequently reduces their proliferation. In the presence of Avemar compounds, cancer cells begin to utilize the available glucose to produce substances that actually inhibit cell division and stimulate programmed cell death (apoptosis) within the tumor.
As one report explains, decreased glucose consumption of the tumors results in a harmonizing of the patient’s metabolism – as well as weight gain, even in people with advanced cancers. As a result, patients treated with Avemar also have improved tolerance for surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Further, Avemar achieves these results without creating any toxicity or damage to normal, healthy cells. As a result, patients have less fatigue, pain, and depression, and experience an increase in appetite that can help them regain lost weight.
A foreign cell informer
Avemar also assists the immune system’s ability to identify and destroy cancer cells. The cells responsible for this are a specialized type of white blood cell called natural killer (NK) cells. However, cancer cells can evade NK cells by masking their outer membrane with a special substance that the NK cells recognize as “normal.” Avemar suppresses the release of this masking substance – allowing NK cells to better target and kill the cancer cells.
A white blood-cell enhancer
Avemar also can protect cells against effects caused by conventional therapies. For instance, following radiation and chemotherapy, it has been demonstrated that Avemar was successful in restoring the bone marrow’s ability to produce red blood cells.
One of the life-threatening complications of radiation and chemotherapy is a condition called febrile neutropenia. It occurs when the therapy significantly reduces the number of white blood cells (neutropenia). White blood cells are needed to fight pathogens, and patients are extremely vulnerable to infections (and resulting death) during this period when cell counts are at their lowest. An indicator of the seriousness of the infection is the presence of a fever (the febrile part).
A clinical investigation into the condition involved 22 children in Budapest with various solid-tumor cancers. Half of those children were given Avemar before and during their chemotherapy, and the other half were not. In the Avemar group, there were a total of 121 cycles of chemotherapy and 30 episodes of febrile neutropenia (24.8 percent). In the control group – those not taking the Avemar – there was a total of 106 cycles of chemotherapy and 46 episodes of febrile neutropenia (43.3 percent). Being able to almost halve the incidence of febrile neutropenia alone should justify the use of Avemar in all patients on chemotherapy. The number of lives saved would be astronomical.
In all of the studies where Avemar was used in conjunction with conventional therapies, not only were those therapies significantly more effective, but the patients experienced considerably less therapy-related side effects. Both the frequency and severity of common side effects like nausea, fatigue, weight loss, and depression were reduced. Additionally, their immune systems recovered more rapidly.
Why wait?
Avemar’s safety has been studied extensively in cell lines, animals, and humans, and no adverse effects have been identified. When the data were reviewed by a panel of doctors and toxicologists, it was their opinion that Avemar has a toxicological profile similar to that of bread. (Though the product is made from only the germ part of wheat, the manufacturer has included a caution for people who are sensitive to gluten.)
Given the existing scientific research, there’s absolutely no reason that Avemar shouldn’t be used with every single cancer patient – particularly in those with severely impaired immune systems and those who are undergoing conventional therapies. I encourage you to share this information with anyone you know battling cancer. It could save a life.
Originally published on Dr. David Williams' website. Used with permission.