Hendrik Treugut

FAIM German Resource Coordinator


Hendrik Treugut

Hendrik Treugut, MD habil

Private lecturer, Hendrik Treugut, MD habil, is founder and president of the German Association for Energy and Information Medicine DGEIM e.V.

He was a specialist in radiology and chief physician in a municipal hospital. He has worked in various municipal clinics and major clinics in Germany and the USA, conducted research at the University of Tübingen and Lund (Sweden), and served as a faculty member of the faculty of medicine at the University of Ulm.

His research focuses on complementary diagnostic procedures and medical borderline cases. He also functions as speaker. Treugut obtained a Scholarship from the Foundation Carstens. He successfully developed and implemented an energy medicine module within the European Master Program.

He a member of the board of directors of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine ISSSEEM (USA).