
The Evolution of Medicine: Join the Movement to Solve Chronic Disease and Fall Back in Love with Medicine by James Maskell
For anyone paying attention, it's clear that there are two massive problems in medicine – chronic disease is rising with uncontrollable costs ($47 trillion dollars over the next decade) with no end in sight, and the plight of the modern doctor – doctor unhappiness or suicide as a result of being part of the current medical system without hope. Doctor happiness is at an all-time low.
What if there was one elegant solution to both of these problems? Anyone interested in the world of integrative functional medicine, realizes that doctors doing functional medicine love their jobs, are not dissatisfied at all with medicine and they are helping to reverse and prevent chronic disease. If you are reading this and are passionately agreeing, my name is James Maskell and for the past 11 years I've been tirelessly working to bring functional integrative medicine to the masses.
I was C-sectioned out of my mother's womb, by a founding member of the Family Holistic Medical Association. I have been in the holistic health world for 35 years whether I liked it or not. In 2005, I started working specifically in this space and worked in a lot of different roles in practice management, digital marketing and supplement sales.
In 2014, we started the Functional Forum. Over the last 3 years, the Functional Forum has become the world's largest integrative conference. Here are some highlights:
At our very first Functional Forum in February 2014, Dr. Kelly Brogan gave an impactful talk, "What Functional Medicine Does To your Brain."
Kelly Brogan M.D. - What Functional Medicine does TO your brain
In February 2016, Sayer Ji challenged us with his talk, "The Macro Implications of the Microbiome."
Macro Implications Of The Microbiome
In March 2016, Dr. Jeffrey Bland gave a thought-provoking talk "Genetic Dark Matter: Decoding the Force Within."
Genetic Dark Matter: Decoding The Force Within
In our past 30 episodes we have shone a spotlight on the leaders in functional medicine. In early 2016, The Institute of Functional Medicine released its first report, a survey of 1,000 doctors that served as a window to the stark reality in functional medicine. The report revealed what we intuitively knew all along, that one of the major blocks holding back functional medicine from reaching the mainstream was it was inefficient and unscalable. Patient appointments ran too long, it was too expensive and accessible only those who could afford it. If we want to bring functional medicine to the underserved and make it accessible to all, increase potential to reduce chronic disease then we need to have new systems to implement this model of healthcare. That's why we started the Evolution of Medicine, the parent company of the Functional Forum. We've built this organization to help doctors connect with the tools and resources they need to build a successful practice.
This year marks our first product creation which is the Evolution of Medicine Practice Accelerator. This training program essentially takes the best practices from across the industry, which helps doctors build more efficient practices with best practices in the industry and covers technology, provider teams and group structures in depth. This week marks the release of my book, Evolution of Medicine: Join the Movement to Solve Chronic Disease and Fall Back in Love with Medicine. You can download it for free between October 11 and October 16, 2016 from www.GoEvoMed.com/book or from Amazon.
Calling anyone passionate about functional medicine spreading to the masses – maybe you are a doctor, health practitioner, health professional, a patient or health and wellness enthusiast. WE CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT YOU. Spread the word about this life-changing book, and get it into the hands of as many people as possible. The first half of the book is about the physician's hero's journey to practice the type of medicine necessary to resolve today's diseases. The second half goes gives a step by step detailed guide for practitioners to build a successful practice – what we call a functional micropractice.
We welcome you to engage with us on your response to the book through social media @GoEvoMed and our Facebook page, Evolution of Medicine presents the Functional Forum.