FAIM South American Resource Coordinator

Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile, MS
Ferdinando Pisani Massamormile, MS, is the International Research Consultant for FAIM and is fluent in English, Spanish, French and Italian.
1985-1989 LUISS University (Libera Universita’ degli Studi Sociali) Rome, Italy, Major in Economics and thesis on Japanese Multinational Corporations. Founded and directed university newspaper “The Louis”.
1990 Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan. Summer Program on South East Asian Economics.
1992 Universidad de Chile, Santiago. One-year program on Andean Anthropology by Prof. Victoria Castro.
1995 Schumacher College, Devon, UK. Centre of Ecological Thinking. Principle lecturers: Hazel Henderson, Vandana Shiva, Fritjof Capra, Martin Khor, Jacob von Uxkull, Brian Goodwin, Edward Goldsmith and Satish Kumar.
1997 New York Botanical Gardens, USA. Course in Ethnomedicine; final research project on the Medical Practices of Kallawaya Indians of Bolivia.
Currently studying Traditional Medicine with curanderos in the Peruvian Amazon.
2006-2008 FAIM, Washington, DC and Lima, Peru. International Field Coordinator
2004-2005 Takiwasi, Tarapoto, Peru. Project Developer for this NGO dedicated to researching and applying Amazonian Traditional Medicine.
2003 Green Medicine International, Bordeaux, France. Created program to treat HIV/AIDS using aromatherapy, supplements and other non-toxic holistic therapies in Santiago, Chile.
2002 Barefoot Doctors, Paris, France. Directed this NGO on behalf of Jean-Pierre Willem, MD and set up ethnomedical projects in South America.
2000-2002 Milena Kaneva Productions, Rome, Italy. Film Producer. Among the films made were TV documentaries on Balkan Traditional Medicine and the Cuban Medical System and the award winning film Total Denial.
2000 Catherine Wyler Productions. Line Producer for film on Pope John Paul II based on George Weigel’s biography Witness to Hope.
1999 Italian Parliament, Rome, Italy. Assisted MP Sandra Fei in setting up the international campaign against violence on women. Organized the Italian boycott of the annual Interpol meeting (because of their involvement with corrupt governments). Initiated protests against Iranian human rights violations during Khatami’s visit. Organized lobby campaign in favor of the Burmese Nobel Prize Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. Helped initiate the first parliamentary discussion on possible crisis in East Timor.
1998 Helen Whitney Productions. Line Producer for documentary film on Pope JPII aired on PBS.
European Observer Unit, Cambodia. Italian mission member monitoring the 1998 Elections.
1996-1997 Stefano Celesti Productions, New York. Assistant Producer and Photographer.
1995 New Economics Foundation London, UK. Set up The Other Economic Summit at the Naples G7 Summit in tight collaboration with The Right Livelihood Foundation founded by Jacoub von Uxkull.
1992-1994 Tevecorp Santiago, Chile. Assistant Producer of Manuela Gumucio in media project in partnership with RAI (the Italian State-owned television company).