Why molecular hydrogen is being clinically investigated

Molecular Hydrogen Institute
Tyler LeBaron explains what happens to COVID-19 patients when the immune system overreacts and creates various dangerous oxygen species and excessive cytokines, called a cytokine storm. The process that takes place in the body by the immune system is important unless it gets out of control.
LeBaron says “molecular hydrogen (H2 gas) has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, which make it potentially useful for COVID-19.” Research shows that hydrogen gas can, in many cases, help maintain regulation of the immune system. The video includes interviews with patients who have benefited from the use of hydrogen gas.
This information is solely for educational purposes, does not constitute clinical evidence, and is not intended to replace the guidance from your healthcare practitioner. LeBaron asks that viewers “please forgive my few gaffes as I put this extemporaneous video together. For example, at one time it sounds like I suggest that cytokines will ‘release’ neutrophils, but I mean ‘recruit’ neutrophils.”
As we all work hard to come up with beneficial therapies, it is good to keep an open mind and continue to learn.
COVID-19 Pathophysiology & the Rationale for why Molecular Hydrogen is being clinically investigated
Molecular Hydrogen Institute
COVID-19 Pathophysiology and a Rationale for H2 Gas was originally published on the Molecular Hydrogen Institute YouTube channel.