
Bill Rawls, M.D.
Bill Rawls, M.D., graduated from Bowman Gray School of Medicine at Wake Forest University in 1985. He holds his medical license in North Carolina.
He practiced conventional medicine for 15 years. When Lyme disease and fibromyalgia disrupted his career at age 45, he was forced into the world of herbal and alternative medicine. He has since restored his health and has a passion to help others do the same.
Rawls has written extensively on health topics, including Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, and Chronic Immune Dysfunction. He’s the author of “Suffered Long Enough” and “Unlocking Lyme,” and has contributed to various health sites. Aside from his writing, Rawls serves as Medical Director for Vital Plan, an herbal supplement and wellness company he co-founded with his daughter, Braden.
Learn more on his Rawls MD website.