Webinar with Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Patrick Hanaway

Screenshot from video by Mark Hyman, MD
Join the conversation with Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Patrick Hanaway regarding what is true and not true about COVID-19. Together they sift through the data separating the wheat from the chaff. Keep in mind that 80% of the people who contract the virus are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic. However, it is becoming clear that age is not the only risk factor. Obesity and race are playing a role, as well. The mechanisms that kill people include overwhelming inflammation, oxidative stress, and an energy deficiency of the mitochondria.
Using the functional medicine approach offers many tools to help with resilience in preventing illness, and also enhancement of recovery when ill. Supplements and protocols are discussed including IV Vit C and IV ozone. The goal of the conversation is to give people tools they can implement at home to reduce the chances of hospitalization. It includes discussion regarding Vitamin C, Vitamin D, melatonin, zinc, NAC, curcumin and elderberry. It is an opportunity to think outside the box to address COVID-19 and stay well.
60 Minute COVID-19 Functional Medicine Q&A
Mark Hyman, MD
Jump to the 6:00 minute mark in the progress bar to skip the setup as people are joining what was a live session.
For more information, see the following websites mentioned in the video:
A Functional Medicine Approach to COVID-19 by Dr. Hyman which covers:
How Can I Protect Myself, My Family, and My Community
How to Eat to Boost Immune Function
Immune Boosting Lifestyle Interventions
What Supplements Should I Take
What is the Status of Treatments and Vaccines?
How to Do a Sugar Detox
Options for Telemedicine and Functional Medicine Care
COVID-19: Functional Medicine Resources from The Institute for Functional Medicine which covers:
Prevention and Treatment with sections on:
Nutraceuticals and Botanicals
Resilience and Lifestyle
Practice Considerations
Patient Education
FAQ About COVID-19 and Functional Medicine
Additional Trusted Resources on COVID-19