
Courtesy of Not the Norm Ltd.
When Ghanaian born Jerry Yamoa started work at Royal Mail’s Nine Elms sorting office in South London in the early 1990s, it dawned on him just how many of his colleagues suffered from respiratory allergies such as asthma and hay fever. Recalling his shamanic grandmother’s successful treatment for these conditions back in his village in Ghana, he asked her for some of the tree bark powder she used to give to conduct a small double-blind trial with 20 of his colleagues. After much persuasion, Asirifia Yamoa agreed to give him some powdered tree bark to bring back to the UK.
All of Jerry’s colleagues that were given his powder reported that their conditions had either vastly improved or completely resolved after taking the powder for two months, with many of them throwing away their inhalers. His success at the sorting office was reported in the Communication Workers’ Union magazine ‘Voice’ in June 1998. The Area Health and Safety Officer wrote to him to thank him for his efforts and hard work in helping his colleagues, “...a number of people are able to live a more comfortable lifestyle, thanks for your tremendous effort and help in supplying your product to them.”
Mary Nightingale features Yamoa Powder for Asthma and Hay Fever, Seasonal Allergies on London Today
Not the Norm Ltd.
News reached Carlton TV, and the story was broadcast on the London Today news programme hosted by Mary Nightingale later in August of the same year.
Encouraged by such a positive reaction, Jerry’s grandmother showed him where to find the trees, and how to harvest and prepare the bark, so that not only was it pure but also sustainable for generations to come.
Jerry branded the powder ‘Yamoa™ Powder’ after his family name, and embarked on efforts to bring it to a wider audience. Yamoa™ is the powdered bark of the Funtumia elastica gum tree, which was traditionally used by Jerry’s grandmother and others before her, mixed in honey and taken twice a day. The stem, leaves and seeds of the tree have also been used in traditional medicine for other purposes, but it is the powdered bark that has had the most profound effect on peoples' lives. It is manufactured to GMP standards, and is available as a food supplement in pure powder and vegetarian capsule form.
Making Yamoa™ available to everyone
Realising that Yamoa™ Powder was even more effective than he remembered as a boy, he decided to find the best way to bring it to the people who needed it, and on the advice of some friends, Jerry approached Boots the Chemists and Glaxo-Wellcome but only hit brick walls.
In his naïveté Jerry thought that a pharmaceutical company would jump at the chance of helping so many sufferers, but as it was pointed out to him later, if you are already making billions of pounds out of alleviating peoples' asthma and hay fever conditions with pharmaceuticals, why would you sacrifice all your profits on a one-off natural remedy that you can't protect through a patent and that will eradicate the need for life-long dependence on your expensive drugs?
It took time to realise that getting Yamoa in to retail outlets was not going to be an easy task – most shop keepers don’t want people to buy their products just once or twice, they want repeat business, so when Jerry told them Yamoa™ only required a short two-month course for long term results, they weren’t interested. As marketing laws in the UK prevent companies from being able to make anything but minor health claims about their natural products, advertising wasn’t an option either, so stockists didn’t want it sitting on their shelves getting dusty. Jerry then decided the only way to reach the masses would be to launch the product online. The World Wide Web was looking to be the best option, and teaming up with Tania Wedin of Not the Norm Ltd, the official Yamoa™ website was launched.
Independent research
Independent research supports the claims of users, confirm how safe Yamoa™ is, and reveal how it works.
Since it was launched online in 1999, anecdotal feedback and word-of-mouth referrals have piqued the interest of the scientific community enough for them to secure their own funding sources in a bid to discover its active constituents, no doubt in their search for new medicinal actives. The research has discovered a variety of properties held by Yamoa™, as well as establishing the active ingredient responsible for such effective results and determining the way in which it works.
Prominent independent scientists and research teams in London, France, Ivory Coast and the USA have studied Yamoa's properties over the years, publishing in peer-reviewed journals such as, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences and International Immunopharmacology. These studies have revealed that Yamoa™ is an effective anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal and an anti-plasmodial; it stimulates innate immunity, improves the white blood cell count and slants the allergic immune response on a molecular level.
Yamoa™ polysaccharides slant allergic immune response on a molecular level
The slanting of the immune system on a molecular level is key here, accounting for so many reports of long-term, lasting results. By changing a TH2 (abnormal) response to allergens to an increased level in TH1 responses (normal), Yamoa™ brings about a resolution to the root cause of the problem, rather than just dealing with the symptoms.
The latest research published in 2012 by Jodi Hedges and her team at the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Montana State University, found that certain plant polysaccharides stimulate IL-12 (Interleukin) production (immune system messengers) which indirectly stimulates IFN-gamma (interferon-gamma) production (critical for innate and adaptive immunity) from the white blood cells in the lung mucous membrane. This IFN-gamma production favours a TH1 response which has been proven to alleviate symptoms of asthma.9, 10
We are more focused on Acai polysaccharides, because they are distinguishable from LPS (Lipopolysaccharides), unlike Yamoa. However, Acai polysaccharides and Yamoa likely have the same mechanism, and Acai PS are not available in a nifty pill, like Yamoa is. Yamoa is only shown in the first figure [see below], but is clearly having a similar effect as Acai PS.
~ Jodi F. Hedges, Ph.D. Assistant Research Professor, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Montana State University, referring to 'Polysaccharides Isolated from Açaí Fruit Induce Innate Immune Responses.' February 28, 2011, PLOS: One.
The study corroborates that despite genetic variations, the plant polysaccharides are capable of slanting immune responses towards reduction of asthma and its symptoms right down to the molecular level. TH1 cells are helper T cells, a type of white blood cell, that are responsible for maintaining immunity and good health. Excessive TH2 cells are thought to be the reason currently for allergies and asthma. Thus, an increase in the TH1 response would balance out the excessive TH2 response, reducing asthmatic symptoms.
Human trials
Jodi Hedges has recently gone on to conduct a mini-scale human trial with 18 subjects. Data collection includes symptom reporting from subjects on a 1-5 scale; blood donations taken at intervals before, during and after treatment; cell and serum analyses using flow cytometry; culturing/stimulation; serums (banked every 2 weeks in 4 aliquots); and stool samples collected before treatment and 4-6 weeks after supplement ingestion to analyse changes to the microbiome.
Early results are looking very positive, but we are yet to receive the full report. We will supply this information as soon as it is complete.
Yamoa™ is safe for the whole family
Although we know Yamoa™ has proven safe anecdotally for all ages for generations, we now have several studies that have declared that Yamoa™ appears safe and non-toxic. When asked to explain why this might be, Jodi Hedges PhD of the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at Montana State University explained:
We think that in vivo the main response to polysaccharides is that they prime the cells, to better respond to other signals. They do not overtly stimulate the cells, and they do not induce inflammatory cytokines. Targeting these gd T cells and NK cells is nifty because these cells are not the source of strong damaging cytokines like IL-1, IL-6 and TNFa from macrophages. Gd T cells and NK cells are anti-inflammatory in many situations, and polysaccharides may enhance that capacity as well. Macrophages are not known for this, but also do not appear to be a primary target for these polysaccharides (if they were, we would see more inflammation not less).
~ Dr. Jodi Hedges, Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Montana State University
Improving people's lives
Why have so many people taken the time to write or make a video describing their experiences with Yamoa™? Because Yamoa™ changed their lives when they had almost given up hope and they want to inspire others to try it. Even the most skeptical people turn to Yamoa™ as a last resort and are astonished at the results.
I tried your Yamoa powder in desperation since it had been 5 weeks that I simply could not breathe properly. I can now breathe normally thanks to the Yamoa which I took religiously twice a day with hot water and or honey. ~ Julika Kennaway.
I have suffered with asthma for more than 30 years. I also had a chemical exposure at work that did even more damage to my lungs. The Yamoa Powder has decreased my symptoms dramatically, and allowed me to stop most of the medication I have been on for years. I'm hoping that by using a second pot I will see a full recovery. I am also a pharmacist - so I was very sceptical about a magical powder that could cure asthma, when I read it in Alternatives. I really thought that it was probably a scam, but since I was using 2 oral drugs and 3 inhalers when my breathing was really bad - and I knew that there was no hope for my getting any better - only worse with time if I stuck to my current path - I figured I had nothing to lose. Giving Yamoa Powder a try is by far one of the best decisions of my life! Thank you for sharing Akua's secret powder with me. ~ Sincerely Marian Bobyak.
I have always been skeptical about testimonials, but I want to tell you about an experience with my granddaughter who is now 2-1/2 yrs old and lives in Indiana. Last fall and winter she spent most of her time either in the hospital or at home on a nebulizer because her asthma was so severe. The doctors gave her several medications (albuterol, palmacort, orapred). Nothing seemed to help and we almost lost her. I read about your powder, thought "what do I have to loose", ordered it and she started taking it this past spring. It is now almost Christmas and we are so thankful because she hasn't shown the first sign of any asthma problems. Her nebulizer (that was her constant companion this time last year) is stored in the attic. I can't tell you how much you have changed her life and how grateful we are for your powder. Please feel free to use this as you wish. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart. ~ Ruth Ayers, Naples, Florida
Aside from asthma and hay fever, Yamoa™ has also been reported to help people with COPD, bronchitis, chronic coughs, sinus problems, and psoriasis and in isolated cases contact dermatitis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, food allergies and even autism. Naturopaths have reported benefits for the digestion, particularly when eating unfamiliar foods, for example when traveling abroad. Horse owners have been impressed with the benefits Yamoa™ has brought to their horses, and cat owners have said they have owed their cat's lives to Yamoa™.
The benefits of Yamoa™
- A short course of 2 months can yield long-term results
- No unwelcome side-effects – there are no side effects that people can anticipate with either short or long-term use
- Affordable – as little as £1.00 a day – and some people no longer need to continue using it after a short course
- Easy to use – mix the powder into honey or your food, or simply take the capsules twice a day
- Safe for all ages – children as young as 1yr old can take Yamoa™
- Non-Toxic and certified organic – all toxicology reports have been favourable, and certified organic in country of origin
- Manufactured to full British and International GMP Standards
- Safe when taken with other medications – even people on complex drug or supplement regimes have not had problems taking Yamoa™ at the same time
- Free from heavy metals, Salmonella, E. Coli, Coliform and Streptococci – all tests have proven negative for these
Usage guidelines
Yamoa™ Powder has been traditionally used to aid recovery from respiratory and allergic conditions. Yamoa™ Powder is an herbal remedy that originates from West Africa, and has been handed down throughout the generations. Yamoa™ Powder is a totally natural substance made from the ground bark of a unique gum tree found in West Africa and contains no other additives. It can be used as a pure powder, mixed in food or drink, or taken twice a day in capsule form. The recommended initial course is two months, some people need less, others need more.
We’re all different!
As everyone is different, everyone has their own unique experience with Yamoa™. Some people achieve long-term, lasting results, others may only experience mild improvement, and regrettably, some do not respond at all, yet this is very rare. Some people only need to take one course, others may need to take it on an ongoing basis, some may need to take it at the start of the hay fever season each year, and others only once and never again.
For more information visit the Yamoa Powder website. A list of articles about Yamoa™ can be found on the Yamoa Powder Press page. Testimonials can be also found at Yamoa Powder Testimonials page.
You can purchase Yamoa™ from Not the Norm Ltd., 80 Godstow Road, Oxford, OX2 8NY, United Kingdom.
Telephone: 9:30am - 5:00pm GMT Monday to Friday.
- From UK: 01865 355515
- From USA & Canada: 011 44 1865 355515
- International: +44 1865 355515
Graff JC, Kimmel EM, Freedman B, Schepetkin IA, Holderness J, Quinn MT, Jutila MA, Hedges JF. Polysaccharides derived from Yamoa (Funtumia elastica) prime gammadelta T cells in vitro and enhance innate immune responses in vivo. Veterinary Molecular Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59718, USA. Int Immunopharmacol. 2009 Oct;9(11):1313-22. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2009.07.015. Epub 2009 Aug 9.
AA Adekunle; AM Ikumapayi Antifungal property and phytochemical screening of the crude extracts of Funtumia elastica and Mallotus oppositifolius Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Lagos, Yaba, Lagos, Nigeria West Indian med. j. vol.55 no.4 Mona Sept. 2006
Jeff S Holderness, Jodi F Hedges, Katie Daughenbaugh, Emily Kimmel, Brett Freedman, Amy Robison, Kirk Lubick and Mark A Jutila Procyanidin-and polysaccharide-induced γδ T cell priming Veterinary Molecular Biology, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. April 2009 The FASEB Journal vol. 23 no. 1 Supplement LB49
Holderness J, Schepetkin IA, Freedman B, Kirpotina LN, Quinn MT, et al. (2011) Polysaccharides Isolated from Açaı´ Fruit Induce Innate Immune Responses. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17301.
More studies and references are available on the Yamoa Powder Science page.